Wednesday, November 25, 2009


douglas looked at my blog today .
I'm Matt with a k.
and Matt Paynt. . with a y.

I looked at Doug Fishbone on the internet. I think i want to ask him a question relating to his bananas. The drawings on them remind me of the B on my banana that leo mentioned during life drawing. The banana and drawing also makes me think of giles. I'm writing about gifts and what art is in relation to that and time and audience. participation. the artist . time . is gift.

and your gift. I'm writing a list of the times and things and advice of such things . a an archive or sorts.

Monday, May 5, 2008

who will

ever know?

If you want to read rubbish that isn't about these topics of 'institution' 'Publication' 'Artist' 'Medium' 'Gallery' particularly.. visit my other blog

i think

you've done enough

will you



a new post about something i read about Madonna in Q .. my sister has the may edition. I read some in her car. I like the ways in which she  answers questions,. One asked which the favourite songs in her catalogue were .. she responded very much in the way that I feel at most things. . it completely depends on what day it is and how you feel and what particular sounds and ideas concepts you are liking at that point .. . time she talks of .. it is an illusion like space. I find it strange that I seem to agree with her.

Alex says that I am a Madonna fiend.

Shrigley, David

I found a page in Simon's room on the top floor and it made me laugh. ... partly because it talked to me about the collaborative bollocks work that happens relating to how eggs are everywhere and mean everything at once. . it says part of currency is wasps and eggs and nails..

the bit relating to looking that I liked and thought i'd note on my brain... a page said that by looking at the leaf or plant it withered faster..

similar kind of stance to what warnell thought
write about philip warnells philosophy of looking.. it has to be active and that looking and being an observer, one changes the situation.

Collaborative Bollocks are posers.

This drawing Claire starts the top , the techenique of folding and then continuing with the next artist. It makes me .

make me laugh.


What is collaborative bollocks?

What is our philiosophy?

philosophy is our philosophy.

Do we need a philosophy?

What is our philosophy?

I don’t know.

Thanks Karl.

No problem.


our work fluidity. medium is broad, performance, painting , music, philosophy. Fish. eggs.

Paint on the grey floor with yellow paint. Lo Claire.

Nothing. Take away the nothing. a big nothing we carry around. Zero. hide nothing on a cabinet. 70- nothing is like 7.

 (mostly from messenger conversations)

jim lambie .. there was a time in oxford during the

cut hair with blunt scissors


eat chips in the hail.

sculpture make with the chips in a flower pot on a ledge by some washing.

 frames in art foundation. we carry them and them is us.

drawings in a restaurant

talk about the plug... take a photo of the plug i pulled from a wall.

eat cereal and tea off the surfaces. link to facebook drawing by Raab.